
Based in Grolley in the canton of Fribourg, we design and develop complex systems as well as multi-platform and web-based applications.

About us

Our company is made up of a number of dynamic, multi-skilled developers. We specialise in building complex IT systems for specific uses, as well as multi-platform and web-based applications.

Complex systems

We take into account all the specific needs of your core business.


We make your services accessible at all times through applications developed natively for your platforms.

Web applications

We develop browser-based applications for all types of service.

Our projects

Our flagship project, Hestia, was our first project. We have also carried out other software design and development projects.

Our partners

Our team

LynxData was created at the end of 2023. We also have an extensive network in the field of software research and development.

Pascal Bruegger


Loïc Guibert